People are People

Hello and welcome! I am an Instructional Designer, Technology Specialist, PhD. student, Husband, and Father of four who happens to not see as well as people with "normal" eyesight. My official label is "Legally Blind." But, don't we all have some kind of label? Isn't disability just another part of the "normal" human experience? Give it some thought and let me know what you think.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Why Change the Rules for US?

I have developed this blog for the purpose of sharing ideas, debating issues, disseminating information, and as a forum of communication in general for exploring how technology is used by people with disabilities to adapt and participate in typical society.

One of my "issues" if you will, is what we call this technology. Just because we are talking about technology that is used for people with disabilities to participate in typical society does not mean we need to give it a new name or change the formula for how we label different types of technology. "Assistive," Technology is redundant. That's like saying dirty dirt; it just seems pointless. Technology is know how, tools, and processes that we use to "assist" us in doing just about anything we do. For example, medical knowledge, devices, and processes "assists" doctors and other medical professionals in providing medical care so we call it, "Medical Technology;" know how, devices, and processes in the areas of networking and communications assist us in moving and sharing information so we call it "Information Technology." Using the same logic I submit that the knowledge, devices, and processes we use to assist people with disabilities in adapting to various situations and typical functions of everyday life should be called, "Adaptive Technology."

What do you think?

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